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Visual theatre

Numen Company

SOLACE, shelter and support are the topics addressed in the play, narrated in the unique relationship between a child and strange, mysterious figures. Different points of time converge in a desertlike space, reminiscences and flashbacks of a forgotten past flare up, images are created, solely connected by memories.

Mysterious characters will interact with each other on the stage to experience the bodily engagement with theatrical means. This scenic co- existence creates the space for special relations that require to rethink the relationship of power and possible manipulation.

In our current society dominated by dissociation and solitude, consolation, shelter and support became controversial topics. The voiceless and gestural dialogue between the living being and the object begs the question of our own relationship to our solitude and loneliness.

Numen Company was founded in Berlin in 2013 on the initiative of Uta Gebert. Numen Company is a synonym for the artistic renewal of the contemporary puppet theatre that transcends the boundaries of the genre. Over the course of her career, Uta Gebert did cooperations with several European theatres that support and sponsor her. Starting with a self-managed solo in 2005 up to the award Création et Expérimentation of the Institut de la Marionnette in Charleville-Mézières in 2015, the performer and scenographer incorporated a contemporary style into a form of art that is, up to today, in uenced by tradition.


Director, Conception, Stage Design, Puppets: Uta Gebert
Performers: Uta Gebert, Marine Chesnais
Musical Composition: Hahn Rowe
Dramaturgy Help: Geeske Otten, Meriam Bousselmi, Ruth Mariën
Costumes: Sonja Albartus
Light Design: Jérôme Houlès
Artistic Colaborations: Ursula Gebert, Gabriel Hermand-Priquet
Production Assistent / Communication: Sophie Galibert
Help and Development: Silvia Brendenal, Kathrin Rachow 

Duration: 55 Min.

Coproduction: TJP - Centre dramatique national d’Alsace ; Schaubude Berlin ; Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes Charleville-Mézières ;Figurteatret i Nordland ; Espace Jéliote, Communauté de Communes du Piémont Oloronais ; Le Manège de Reims- Scène Nationale; T-Werk Potsdam ; Le théâtre des 4 Saisons, scène conventionnée musique(s) Ville de Gradignan ; Fonds Transfabrik - French-German fund for Performing Arts

Supported by: Centre de la marionnette de Tournai (Belgium) ; Mouffetard - Théâtre des arts de la marionnettes (France)