

Alice im Wunderland

For tickets, reservations, workshop enrolment and questions please call:

0331 - 71 91 39
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Overview of the current T-Werk repertoire

T-Werk productions on vimeo

Alice in Wonderland (Alice im Wunderland) (5+)
Play with music and masks based on texts by Lewis Carroll
Carmina Burana
Medieval songs from the original manuscript
Hänsel and Gretel (Hänsel und Gretel) (5+)
Fairy-tale play with masks and puppets based on Brothers Grimm
I Am the Little Light (Das kleine Licht bin ich) (3+)
A play of light and physical theatre
SOLACE | Numen Company
Visual theatre
Tomorrow Can Wait (Der Morgen kann warten) | Susi Claus and Peter Müller (Theater Handgemenge)
a surreal piece of shadow theater