

Hänsel & Gretel

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Hänsel and Gretel (Hänsel und Gretel)

Fairy-tale play with masks and puppets based on Brothers Grimm (5+)


Could there be anything more frightening than being lost in a dark forest, without a bite to eat or any hope of ever finding a way home? At least Hänsel and Gretel have each other. Bravely they set off together to find a way out of the forest. But when they discover a magic little house in the middle of the woods, they throw all caution to the wind and before they know it are taken prisoner by a terrible witch. Hänsel is locked up and Gretel has to assist the old crone. But together, the children manage to overcome the danger and defeat the witch. There is a happy ending and Hänsel and Gretel are saved.

Hänsel and Gretel tells the story of the power of love that bonds a brother and a sister, and which in difficult situations unleashes unexpected strengths, self-confidence and courage to ward off danger. In this third co-production between T-Werk and puppeteer Kristina Feix, the focus is on a blend of storytelling, inventive stagecraft and an imaginative use of everyday objects. This is the first time that the puppeteer Ulrike Kley is involved in a T-Werk production.


Director: Jens-Uwe Sprengel
Puppeteers: Kristina Feix, Ulrike Kley
Set, Objects: Heide Schollähn
Masks, puppets: Kristina Feix
Witch's mask: from the estate of Mo Bunte
Costumes:  Heather MacCrimmon
Music: Udo Koloska
Technology: Henning Günther
Foto: T-Werk/Göran Gnaudschun

Duration: 55 Min.
Age: from 5 and upwards
In German