

Alice im Wunderland

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Alice in Wonderland (Alice im Wunderland)

Play with music and masks based on texts by Lewis Carroll (5+)

T-Werk & Theater NADI

Alice is lost in a daydream when suddenly a speaking rabbit rushes past her. Her curiosity awakened, she follows it into its hole and lands in the middle of Wonderland. That she experiences strange adventures there and encounters peculiar creatures such as the Cheshire Cat, the Mad Hatter and Tweedledee and Tweedledum, seems to be the most normal thing in the world. But when she meets the dreaded Queen of Hearts, Alice has to overcome several dangerous situations until she finally finds her way back home.

With lots of music, fantastic costumes and masks, the actors and musicians of Theater NADI and T-Werk tell the story of Alice’s journey through Wonderland. Lewis Carroll’s books form the foundation of this ever-changing dream world, in which Alice experiences her exciting adventures. With more than seventy performances, Alice in Wonderland is T-Werk’s most successful children’s theatre production to date.


Video 1 (Alice & Frog)
Video 2 (Teaparty)
Video 3 (Present for the Queen)

The [children] root for Alice, give her courage and tips … the images are wonderful to behold, for adult dreamers too. Potsdamer Neueste Nachrichten

Director: Jens-Uwe Sprengel
Actors: Udo Koloska, Steffen Findeisen, Noriko Seki, Franka Schwuchow
Set: Heide Schollähn
Masks: Nelson Leon
Costumes: Heather MacCrimmon
Lighting: Raiko Epperlein

50 Min.
Foto: Göran Gnaudschun
Age: from 5 and upwards
In German